There are multiple segments of design, whether it's digital or print, shared with your current customers, or intended to appeal to a brand new audience.
Your company's brand is the first piece of the marketing puzzle. Make a great first impression by looking your best. You want your first encounter with your client, and every impression after, to be cohesively branded in order to build a consistent, professional, trustworthy identity.
Your logo is an integral aspect. It is the symbol that represents your business and serves as a visual cue to your client each time they see it. You need a logo that is unique and engaging, clean and professional, and that speaks to your ideal client.
You need to unmistakably present what you are trying to do in the world. You should know your core values and business motivation and share your knowing and your “why” because, as Simon Sinek explains in his TED talk, “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”.
Whether it’s messaging, visuals, or your logo, you need to stay consistent. You might need to change your messaging to match a platform or speak to a different demographic, but your tone and voice in the message should always be consistent.
Read more about Cohesive Branding in Being Unstoppable.
There's even more available on SoundCloud. Listen Now!
Ensure your design tells a story visually and relates to your audience and helps them resolve a problem.
- Lindy Chaffin Start